L.C. Soaring High!!!!

L.C. Soaring High!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


We are ENTHRALLED by the things we cannot CONTROL. LEARN from them!!!


Lou said...

Life coach, how are ya, been a while........so certain things I can't control do enthrall me, the weather, sunsets, I guess nature in general. But these things I can't control can also enrage me. Unfortunately this month I have to commute to an office on Long Island, immersed in traffic every evening, waiting for the next car to cut me off or having to switch lanes quickly because I'm about to drive up an old woman's ass. I take deep breathes sometimes, it helps. Yet, there are moments when my emotions get the best of me and I scream horrible things. There are good days when I brush it all off and bad days when I know it's ridiculous to get upset but I do anyway. So "LC", what do you suggest? How do I just roll with it........ all the time?

Wolfman said...

BE like the WEATHER! On your bad days, act the STORM, letting WORDS FLOW LIKE HOTT LAVA!!!
and on your GOOD days, the sunshine can be EQUALLY AS BRUTAL!!!

HAVE FUN, (and GOOD to hear from you!)


ClickNathan said...

Is Harry Potter one of your students?? I saw him in the Extras - hoopdy do does he get the ladies!

What are the chances we might get some online "Movies by Stephen GT"?

Wolfman said...


I used to do MOTIVATIONAL speaking at Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, now I DEVOTE my time to internet MOTIVATION, whereas I can REACH OUT TO THE WORLD!!!

Stephen G.T. movies, hmmm, I suppose I could start posting MOTIVATIONAL flicks, but not sure of the SAVY or HOWTODOITS in doing it?


Shawn Snyder said...

Hey life coach!, how many skulls DO you crush when you FIND oUt that spike jones is making where the wild things are and you realize that you were supposed to make that movie?!? how many skulls?

chad was marco said...

shawn. this is the craziest thing in the world. i just put this item online, and i thought, haha, i should link this to steve, just like i did with hans christian anderson. then, i come here to do it and i see there's a fifth comment...yours.

and what the coincidencefuck?


chad was marco said...

not the greatest picture. pitiful camera work. one of my worst ever actually.

whoever labeled it at the store called it "Wood Monkey Picture"

haha. i labeled it correctly on the website.

Shawn Snyder said...

also.. nathan had a great idea of us making a comedy site called the mr. bremmer. it would have flash cartoons and nonsense... since i have some time on my hands i'm thinking about putting it together.. i would hope that the life coach would make posts

Wolfman said...

Apologies for tardy returns, my BLOOD has been filled with HATRED over the past several days. I have had to let some LOOSE to recover the POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!

DON'T WORRY, its all cool now!

good for spike jones... im so glad he beat me to it!



EXCUSE ME, there are MORE SKULLS to be CRUSHED!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wolfman said...

BRAVO on the movie IDEA!
